I have been in website development since highschool and a
computer enthusiast since 14. This is just a website I am
making just for my personal server. You may have ended up here
by recieving an email from me. This server just kind of hosts
all kinds of things for me. Can you believe I made this in one
night? If you have any questions or concerns feel free to
contact me at phill@pilko.us
All the lessons I have learned
University Of Minnesota (I didnt graduate though)
Dana Hills Highschool
These are the places I felt like I have grown the most.
Calling customers of Major dealerships nationwide and assisted to schedule an appointment as well as request dealer employees contact the customer
I was a store manager, I managed all aspects of a fast food restaurant, from labor costs to cost control of food
This was my first job. I think everyones first job was a significant learning experiance.